Monday, 29 September 2014

Task 2- Case Studies-press pack

The press pack I looked at the on the magazine Vibe and the audience they base there magazine on is 55% for men and 45% for women, so they base there magazine more for men than women. The main age they go for is 21+ at 82% and they go least for 35+ at only 29%. They also show the employment rate at 65% of employed. There education at any college is 55% and currently in college is 20% so this shows that there are more in any college than currently in collage. The main race they go for is Black/African American which is 75% at the most percentage and the least at 1% for Asian. Vibe's press pack also tells us the annual subscription , rate base, single copy and readership.

Vibes publisher is SpinMedia, they are based on the pop culture. They started blog in 1999 and they got announced in 19 March 2009. It was published by Anthony Batt, Marc Brown, Kevin Woolery, and Steve Haldane. 

Task 2- Additional Case Studies- Magazine review: Q

For this magazine front cover the masthead was also the largest font as the name of the magazine is only one letter they had to make sure that the name was seen by the audience. The main cover line is also in a really big font and it overlaps the main image in the cover page this shows that the main story is about 'Madonna'. The main image for this magazine is of the famous artist Madonna and her body is facing towards the left hand side but her face is facing towards the audience and she is making direct eye contact with the audience, in similarity the magazine VIBE there image of Nicki Minaj was was direct eye contract with the audience. For this magazine the main colour scheme is red, black and white, the same is with the magazine VIBE and there are only three main colours. On the front cover it also says that there is a free '70-PAGE SPECIAL WOMEN IN MUSIC' and it gives some names of women artist that are in that 70 page book they magazine is giving for free, eveyone likes when there are some freebies and this automatically makes the person want to buy the magazine. There are also some bold writings for the main information. The barcode for this magazine is on the middle right hand side. On the other hand the barcode for the magazine VIBE is on the bottom left hand side with the price. 

The content page for this magazine is also very simple to read and understand and it is listed in numbers and they are in chronological order. There are also some images with numbers which show the main storys and informations. For the content page the information is also put in categories, they are: features, women in music, every month and Q review. These categories are based on what the story they have used, for example for the Q review they write about the music based information.


Task 2- Additional Case Studies- Magazine review: Vibe

When I went to research some music magazines I wanted to use the music magazine VIBE. When I was analysing the front cover of this magazine I saw that the masthead was the biggest font in the background of the image they have picked for this magazine. This shows the brand of the magazine. The image they use is an image of the famous artist Nicki Minaj. The image is a medium shot and she is giving a side look towards the audience. The colour code for the fromt cover is mainly orange, white and black. The fact that this magazine has used orange is very eye catchy, this is because normal magazines will prefer colours like red or blue. The orange gives a calm view to the magazine but also a classy look. Nicki Minaj's hair is also orange so they have made sure that the shot was perfect for the colour scheme as well as grabbing the audiences attention. For this magazine there are also some other small information around the cover page, it is in a simple format for everyone to read easily. For the writing on the cover page I analysed that some words are in bold and some are not, then I saw that the famous artists names were in bold, now this automatically caught my eye because the bold words made me read them and see what the small informatiom was giving me. There is also a main cover line which does say the name of the image, the font for the main coverline is the second biggest font as this is what is meant to catch the auiences eyes straight away. Also at the top of the magazine, on top of the masthead there is also some other informations like artists names that will be in the magazine. 

The content page for VIBE is very simple amd set in a formal way. For the content page I analysed that there is the main image filling up the whole page of the comtent page. There are also the page numbers and what are on that page, this is all set in chronological order from 1 up to when the pages are ended. This information is all on the right hand side. There are also set in categories: Features, and also Fashion, so it is very easy to find out what page you are looking for. Next to the image on the content page there is given a little information, as I could not find a proper image of the content page I cannot read what is writen on that information, but I am guessing it is about Kanye West in the image. In the backgroud of the image there is a big 'V' with writing 'CONTENT' the V represents the brand of the magazine so it is 'VIBE'. 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Task 2- Research/case studies- magazine review

 This is the front cover of the monthly magazine XXL. As it is shown the name of the brand is there in bold, in red and white. Also the name of the artist is written in the biggest font, this is because this is what catches the audience's eye, and people who like JAY-Z will automatically get drawn into the magazine and will want to buy it. The front cover also has a big image of the main person of the magazine. The image taken links to the sub-heading which is talking about JAY-J after 10 years later and how he does not regret anything he did within the 10 years of his career. The colours for this magazine is mainly black and white but the brand of the magazine is red.

For this magazine they use two content page and in between the two content page there is two pages of content pages there is adverts a double page advert. The first part of the content page it has a background picture of a man with tattoos and diamond ring and bracelets, this makes him look strong and powerful. However, the other content page has a background image of a women and she is half naked, this also shows that she is happy with what she is doing because she is smiling. Both contents show that this magazine is for relevant for both men and women.